
Affichage des articles du avril, 2018
CookieScanner - Tool For Checking the Cookie Flag In Multiple Sites CookieScanner is a Python-based tool for checking the cookie flag in multiple sites. Requirements: requests >= 2.8.1 BeautifulSoup >= 4.2.1 Install: pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt Usage: Usage: [options] Example: ./ -i ips.txt Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT, --input=INPUT File input with the list of webservers -u URL, --url=URL URL -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT Output format (json, xml, csv, normal, grepable) -g GOOGLE, --google=GOOGLE Search in google by domain --nocolor Disable color (for the normal format output) -I, --info More info Performance: -t TIMEOUT Timeout of response -d DELAY Delay between requests Download Co